Two Hands Full - Aceh Avatara Thermal Shock Washed - Sumatra, Indonesia
Indonesia has a strong coffee scene, but it’s pretty much impossible to get any Indo roasted coffee outside of Asia. Two Hands Full is one of the lightest roasters in the country and sources some really dope coffee. They are friends with the owners of Frinsa, one of the best known producers in Indonesia, and get exclusive access to some of their smaller single variety lots. They also bring in some great lots from around the world. We will showcase the best lots from Indonesia that they have as well as some other exciting that we’re sure you’ll love!
I'm honestly a pretty big fan of well processed sumatran coffee. Definitely hard to come by from western roasters though! There's definitely gonna be a bit of funk, but I've been told that this coffee is on the cleaner side for a Sumatran. I'm excited to try it out!
Tasting notes: yellow stone fruits, poached pear, Peach, Aloe, Chamomile